Hi All blog followers out there!
This is what happened, on the day, as it happened.
Rick has been in charge of emails for the company recently. He tries to be on the ball, though feels like a fish out of water sometimes. (We all have our crosses to bare)
Imagine his surprise when, having updated our potential ACE funders (to whom we'd submitted an application in early January) that we had confirmd an exciting performance date with ArtsDepot, the person who'd been dealing with our application replied quite quickly.
Now, Rick tries not to be a wishful thinker. Nor does he like to be prey to superstition. However, there was a moment between the fateful click of the "open mail" button and the mail actually opening where a flash of "this could be the email that confirms it" and the answer "dont be silly" and a third voice from deep in the depths of the brain says "you'll curse it by thinking about it" answered by a fourth voice or possibly one of the first two voices saying "shut up! dont think about it"
The email was open....
The gist follows...
"Thanks for letting us know, Thats great news (about the fact we're going to perform at Arts Depot)
We'd like to confirm that we've awarded your funding, paperwork's in the post"
Rick gasped, he couldn't breathe.
Rick needed a cigarette.
Rick couldn't get hold of any other Accidentals, so called his girlfriend.
Sensibly she recommended walking round the corner to where Daisy actually worked.
She's not just a pretty face (Rick's girlfriend, not Daisy... not that Daisy's not pretty in the facial department, or infact that she lacks smarts... i just meant to clarify that i was still talking about Rick's girlfriend not Daisy, then I got into abit of a mess... sorry to digress)
Rick stumbled to Daisy's well known high street retailer place of employment round the corner.
Rick had trouble talking, so grabs Daisy in a hug.
Daisy was a little concerned as Rick is shaking a little.
"We got it - from the Arts council"
Daisy Screamed.
Lots of people stared.
There was some jumping up and down (by Daisy and Rick, not the people)
Pub... news spreading, updating of facebook statuses, celebratory Indian meal.
Rick strained something dancing very hard indeed.
What this means for Accidental Collective:
Paid time in the studio to continue developing our recent work "Postscript". We aim to remake it into a piece of work we can tour to small to midscale contemporary theatre venues in England.
Showcase the new piece.
Fund the organisation of a tour.
Accidental Collective are pleased.
As such we shall return to our favourite use of this blog in the very near future; to document and explore how we work when developing and creating material.
After all we are artists - and that is our favourite thing to do
Keep them peeled all!
Rick and ACE funded Accidental Collective
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Something to open your appetite...
Our Daily Bread (2008) has therefore joined a growing collection of performance recipes which involve the production and/or consumption of food. This creative 'cookbook' has been published online and will soon appear in a printed edition. To find out more about Acción Con Hambre and to read our recipe please visit www.accionconhambre.blogspot.com/2008/12/our-daily-bread.html.
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