As you know we are working on a new version of i am small THE WORLD IS BIG. We are currently looking for people to get involved in the final event. Yes, that's you! Please read the information below, and feel free to forward it to friends, family, or anybody who you think might be interested (the more the merrier). Thank you! Pablo
i am small THE WORLD IS BIG is Accidental Collective's latest project, and builds on a 2010 commission from the Gulbenkian Theatre (Canterbury). Funded by Kent County Council, this new version will culminate in a free performance event on Saturday 28th May 2011.
As part of this project, Accidental Collective are working with 9 groups across Kent (from a primary school to a Franciscan community). Together, they have been thinking about how to make the planet a better place, and have been using cut up atlases to re-stitch the world in a new way. The project's finale will bring together these 9 fragments to make a huge, new world map. Part village fete and part sit-in, this celebratory performance event will take over Kent County Hall in Maidstone.
We are currently looking for enthusiastic, adventurous and creative individuals to assist us in all aspects of this final event's delivery. Do you like to perform, manage front of house, or work behind the scenes? Are you interested in site-specific, socially engaged, or community work? Get in touch! This is an excellent opportunity to get involved in an exciting and ambitious project, gain experience, and meet like-minded people: and you can get a glowing reference for your CV if you want! No previous experience is required, but you will have to be available for the finale and a few meetings in the run-up to it.
If you would like to be part of i am small THE WORLD IS BIG, please email us your name, age, and a little paragraph about yourself and why would want to be involved. Send your emails to: