Monday, April 20, 2009

Crunch Day at the Beginning of Crunch Week. Crunchy.

Today didn’t feel like a Monday.

I began my day stupidly early this morning in the office. I nearly jumped out of my skin when Rick walked in. “What are you doing here?” A tale of two Obsessives unable to stop working on this project…

Today was a day. It was a tough, important day. And I am shattered, personally. I am going to try writing this stream of consciousness style, to avoid staying up ‘till one o’clock restructuring it like a blog martyr…

Today was the beginning of ‘No More New Material Week’. It marks the beginning of a week the focus of which is revisiting and honing the material made last week. We also have to find a structure, i.e. build the show. It is therefore quite scary. Enough playing. Let’s make a show. Eek. It’s like, if this were a relationship, last week the show and us were dating, this week we are meeting each other’s parents and moving in with each other. Next week we’ll be married with a mortgage! Perhaps tired Daisy blogging is a tad dubious…

In terms of said structure, we have a plan. Rick, in his role as Director, has suggested that we begin to run one piece of material into another piece when it seems to make sense, or seems logical/feels right, or when linking strands (conceptual or practical) become apparent… (Perhaps this seems an obvious idea, but it doesn’t always feel that straight forward when faced with the very real act of putting a piece together…). This seems an excellent idea to attempt to avoid the pitfall of staring at bits of paper on the floor and going cross-eyed trying to structure a show.

However, today we revisited all the material we generated last week. This took longer than anticipated. In fact, it took all day. Some of the material was recalled pretty spot on and some of it will need a lot more work – inevitably. But, it proved a.) that there is a show in there somewhere and b.) that we can still remember it. Hurrah! Rick has filmed it (mistakes and all) and is reviewing it tonight to diagnose potential issues…

Tomorrow morning we have some people coming in to offer an ‘outside eye’ – which is something we try to incorporate into our practice. Devising can become very insular and it is a worry that we may become to ‘inward-looking’ and lose sight of the material. It is however, always a terrifying prospect. Letting someone into your rehearsals is an incredibly difficult thing; it’s very exposing (and therefore ultimately very good for you too…). They will hopefully feedback and we will get a sense of how people other than us perceive the work. Laura will tell you all about it tomorrow, I’m sure.

I’m afraid my head is filled with practical things. Invites to go out. Press release to complete. Junk shop tables and chairs to source and transport magically to North Finchley…?!

I may leave this here, if you don’t mind? I’m sure I’ll think of a million things I should have reflected on when I’m lying in bed…

Daisy x

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