Friday, February 26, 2010


Antarctica is a continent.....

i dont think we grasp how truly mangled our view of the world is until we think on that....

i mean the arctic is ok and all.... There´s the north pole all of that.... Santa.... but Antarctica is contrary to our whole world view.... everything goes East to West, left to right (or vice versa)... so then sitting at the geographical bottom.... the underside... is this other continent....

an unaccounted for, place.... a place of penguins and polar bears... though, since 1997 it has played host to cash machines... this means that whichever continent you ar eon you will be able to draw out your cash. isnt that a reassuring thought...

1 comment:

Accidental Collective said...


i'm afraid to correct you there Rick.

if i remember right, from my etymology classes at highschool artica stems from the ancient Greek for bear (because there are bears there). which of course means that antartica is the place where there are NO bears....

the geek within spoke
